
(Perfect Beat)
Twò lontan m pat gen enspirasyon
Demotive m te bliye si m konn RAP akoz entèna plis delokalizasyon
M te f on poze pou m travay sou tèt mwen
Pa oze panse m ap kite l, back and now m pral viv pasyon m
Evite distraksyon bagay initil, pastan m se ba m
E se mwayen m evakye fristrasyon m
Yon plim yon fèy, yon balad, yon enstrimantal
Plis rim ou mèt kwè m s on malad mais ça je m'en tape
Efò ke m fè yo fè efè e l fò en vrai de vrai
Ke toutan m ap RAP m ap vanse san defèt
Depi m g on gwoup ki avè m e ki vrè frè
Bagay sa yo ra depi m nan twou y ap fè m wè klè
M pap janm gen twòp sousi
E m di sa ak kè m so kwè m
Menm si m sousye de son m avèk prezans sou sèn
Epitou l klè ke m gen yon vrè soutyen
Zo Polo pa nan sousou ni nan nèg ki nan koze souse

MC ki rive
Rime, yon plim kriminèl
Livre l kot rit li mennen l
Chire yon bit qui dit mieux?
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BACK, BAP
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BAP, BACK!
MC ki rive
Rime, yon plim kriminèl
Livre l kot rit li mennen l
Chire yon bit qui dit mieux?
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BACK, BAP
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BAP, BACK!

Pou bon m back rap divinite se boom bap, imilite
Pou tann dat y ap ban m bit pou m bat san stipidite
Demontre yo rap adkò se pa anyen
Met vwa sou akò pou demonte men tèt ak kò
Menm sa k pa dakò, fè yo bouje san yo pa plenyen
But now m pa pot mesaj, donk m pap ret saj
Pran gaj pou m fè ego m trip menm yon fwa
Wete lyon an nan kaj, menm ak laj degaje m
Fè sovajri naje sou bit m anraje
Twòp HIT ki non chalan nan yon tandans
Yo san talan e pandanstan
M ap vyeyi n on barik flo kadnase
Ritmik ki ap balanse pran w, e fè w kadanse man
Non an se Zo Polo, yeah! an n avanse

MC ki rive
Rime, yon plim kriminèl
Livre l kot rit li mennen l
Chire yon bit qui dit mieux?
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BACK, BAP
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BAP, BACK!
MC ki rive
Rime, yon plim kriminèl
Livre l kot rit li mennen l
Chire yon bit qui dit mieux?
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BACK, BAP
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BAP, BACK! BACK!

SOUS-CÔTÉ, ou pap konnen m, yon tarif anba gòj mwen
M sou kote, m ap xxx RAP real, yon kanif yon baton man
Pa panike kou m tanmen RAP rèd, pa lite koz kanmenm w ap dead
Agripe, abrite w pou w pa abime pou w pran men w
Rapè kounya ap ranmase rès ba pou makiye
M ap kòche tout jouk san dout m ap met tout nan yon kriye
Manje tout nan yon kiyè mete san tout nan ankriye m
N a eskize m si m bosal m se desandan negriye
Alòs pwoche m ap charye w HARD lou m SPIT
Pouse w rap chaje w akoupi
Poze, knock knock! Yo RAP louvri
Sa se Zo Polo ak new skills
12 ba pou montre w nan nivo m sa s on rakousi
W ap jwenn rapè ak talan nan OLD SCHOOL
Pa nan TRAP, pussy!

MC ki rive
Rime, yon plim kriminèl
Livre l kot rit li mennen l
Chire yon bit qui dit mieux?
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BACK, BAP
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BAP, BACK!
MC ki rive
Rime, yon plim kriminèl
Livre l kot rit li mennen l
Chire yon bit qui dit mieux?
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BACK, BAP
BACK to the BAP, BACK to the BAP, BACK! BACK!

Writer(s): John Cater Athis
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