The Road (2019)

Counting the hours in the middle of the night
I trace the lines of trickling light
Another day dawning
Another day alone
The road is for running
I've been going so long

Made my decision
I guess it's the price
When you choose the road
You say goodbye to that life

I poured my whole life
Into the heart of a song
Lamented the past
And a love long since gone
I've sung to her beauty
I've sung about the shame
I should've gone back
But here I remain

In a dusty old ballroom
In one more old town
The road ain't the same
When she ain't around

In the wee hours of morning
When it's quiet at last
And my only company
Is this old whiskey glass
The barman, he smiles
As he locks up the doors
Says "this one's on the house"
And pours me one more
But my mind starts drifting
To some far-off place
Sunlight 'cross the front porch
That smile on your face
Where the laughs of our children
Fill the evening air
The smell of cut grass
The breeze through your hair

The smash of a beer glass
The dream all but gone
I'm still out on the road
Singing my songs
I made my decision
I guess it's the price
When you choose the road
You say goodbye to that life

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