Here They Come (1981 electric forerunner)

Come and see, come and join the boys in blue
As they march along so proud, attracting such a crowd
With their bayonets fixed and their rifles at the slope
The nation's mother's sons, they fly the planes, they fire the guns
For you and me

Come along, see the khaki on parade
See the General salutes, see the highly polished boots
March along to the beat of the drum
Through the mud and through the rain. Will you ever see again
The friends you knew?

But the time will come for the boys' return
With the broken limbs and the napalm burns
And expressions of sympathetic pride
And memorials to those who died

And here they come, here they come down the street
Not so many as before, their backs are tired, their feet are sore
And the music long since ceased to play
But the sound will linger on of the comrades who have gone
Saying goodbye

But the time will come for the boys' return
With the broken limbs and the napalm burns
And expressions of sympathetic pride
And memorials to those who died

And here they come, here they come down the street
Not so many as before, their backs are tired, their feet are sore
And the music long since ceased to play
But the sound will linger on of the comrades who have gone
Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye

Writer(s): Christopher John Trevor Midgley
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