The Ark

Two elephants and two monkeys
Two zebras and then two hopping kangaroos
Two lions and then two donkeys
Two birds of all the colors reds and blues

Two doves and two black ravens
Two tigers and also two swift antelope
Noah's ark would be their haven
Noah's ark would be their home

God said to Noah
Build an ark to save the animals and birds
From the great flood of 40 days and 40 nights

Two deer two snake two bear
Two horses two cattle two hippopotamus
All the animals of feather and hair
Came to Noah's ark with God's faith and with God's trust

Two ostrich and two parrots
Two rabbits and two mice two dogs and two cats
Two giraffes and then two ferrets
Two peacocks and two rats

God said to Noah
As long as the earth endures
Seedtime and harvest summer and winter
Day and night will never cease
I give my word

Jackal possum sheep buffalo
Eagle leopard skunk wolf hyena squirrel goat
Panther falcon fox armadillo
Cheetah and gazelle all got into Noah's boat

Every creature male and its mate
Every living thing that moves along the ground
Every bird that God had made
Every kind that Noah found

God said to Noah
Never again will I destroy all creatures
With the waters of a flood
I give my rainbow as my promise
My rainbow as my promise

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