Oh LORD God of my salvation
I cry out day and night before You
My soul is full of troubles
My life draws near to Sheol
Counted among those who go down to the pit
A man who has no strength like one among the dead
You put me in the depths of the pit
You put me in the depths

Your wrath lies heavy upon me
You have made me a horror to see
I am shut in so that I cannot escape
My eye grows dim through sorrow

Every day I call upon the LORD
I spread my hands out to You
Do You work wonders for the dead?
Do they rise up and praise You?
Are Your wonders known in the dark?
Oh LORD why do You cast my soul away?
Why do You hide Your face from me?
Why do You hide Your face from me?!

Your wrath lies heavy upon me
You have made me frightful to see
I am shut in so that I cannot escape
My eye grows dim through sorrow

Afflicted and close to death from my youth up
I suffer Your terrors
I am helpless
Your wrath has swept over me

Darkness is my only friend!
Darkness is my only friend!
Darkness is my only friend!
Darkness is my only friend!

Your wrath lies heavy upon me
You have made me a horror to see
I am shut in so that I cannot escape
My eye grows dim through sorrow

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