A DemiGods Curse

I am here to show you who I am right here, right now
I'm gonna make it clear, I don't think that I'm gonna appeal to many of you but I don't
I'm gonna stand right here and hoot

I don't want or need your opinion of me, don't even think
About it
Just plug your ears if you don't want to hear, it could instill fear
The truth is my music is my diary, I make it with the sole purpose to remind me, where
I'm at today

So when I get where I am going, I remember the price I paid
It's been a journey in reality to get my mind to a place where I can get the thoughts in
my head off of the tip of my tongue
When I was young, I used to burn brightly, sing, sing, sing every day

I hoped everyone was listening and in my eyes, my future was glistening
Until the day in my way, on my path to gold, I met a Demi god cold
They told me I shouldn't sing, they said that my voice was like, kind of frightening, said
I sounded like a wolf howling at the moon

Ooh, I thought mean, but I'll go on doing my thing
Periodically, I heard those words ring, and then my father died, and that curse solidified
like a knife in my windpipe
I thought mean, but I'll go on doing my thing, but her thoughts, they would ring, ring, ring

In my head, everything anyone else said, meaningless, your health, your voice, the demi-god said
Ha, ha, ha, ha, you're howling at the moon
When you're rude to another soul, little do you know, it doesn't bode well for you, it
Starts eating you from the inside of your mind

If you don't regret it, karma comes like blackened lungs and settles in for the long haul, taking
Its toll on all of you, that little demi-god didn't know what she was doing when my soul
Started to go away
That was the day karma had no mercy on her dreams, forever in eternity until she hears

Me howling, release from your own cold soul
Ooh, I forgive you, shaped me into a box where I couldn't sing, no one could hear me, I guess
It could just be called unlucky, I had originality, but I could sing, you tried your hardest to
Take it away from me, but a witch's words beats a demi-god's curse, I found my power

In my words before the house burned down, burned down around, the only one that can release
You from the words you bound yourself to, now doubt yourself and grow and change

Writer(s): Quinn Jared Marshall
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
