prodigio juvinil

Who do you think I am?
Teenage prodigy
Xeno Beats On the track
Fuck it up

A big ass mexican
But mexicano wasn't my biggest track
Hola! Let me take you back
I know in the past I made a lot of wack
Now I can see I gotta use my knack
Fucking carlos bringing what TP lacks
No I don't want millies of racks
I'm just here to kill a fucking rap
While other artists take a nap
Cause I never finished sketching that map
I'm taking one last victory lap
I know you're wondering why you should give a crap

Listen a minute farther
You'll see why I'm the new father
Of my genre, prodigy rap is a departure
I attract arrows like an archer (clickbait)
But there's one type I want in particular
(como estas?) eh, yo solo regular
Y, yo queiro me putas llamar
No, I'm not trying to be the biggest star
If you look back, I've just made it far
I'm built different, not dark tar

I know, I shouldn't make fun of dark skin
Yo no queiro hacer este sin -
Ti_nage prodigy is within
Y él permanecerá hasta el fin
If you'd like, I can explain what I mean
You see, all I really need is a queen
Who isn't scared to cause a scene
Y nosotros festin
The main prodigy child he's still a teen

Nosotros somos la ley
Atleast thats what I heard from santa fe
Otra ves, soy de la calle
Tu no comprendes que es en mi valle
Si, yo tengo una voz a halle
No necesito todo detalle
Y nunca fallare
You didnt catch that? Not sorry (sorray)

Tu no eres de mi barrio
Y rebotare como si me llamara Mario
Estoy bien siendo grande como el rio
Pero gracias, no soy demasiado frio
Like that game from 2017 I run trios (me myself and I)
Y, voy yo atascado en este lio
I can stop time, I'm fucking Neo
Making fuego in one trip to the studio
El rap pronto sera mi ocupación

Cuanto tiempo tomara para que yo sea el don
You made it this far, so I already won
So far up, no ilegales en mi lawn (yeah, northern state)
But at dawn, while others yawn, I spawn a new track with words drawn
If I hung out with my dealer juan
And disappear, I'm never just gone
I'm just beginning to burn up like a bon-
Fire while my tires expire, call me a liar
But this situation got dire, cause I'm not for hire

Yeah come on down, TP takes you to town
Think you're funny, fucking class clown
But I'm a king, bestowed with a crown
Call out to me, cause my name's a noun
Sorry you don't believe me, I'm not brown
But I got a song I'm bound
Till I make it the best it can sound
I'll make my name get renowned
Underground, soon I can say I was found

Mi music es la gran montaña
Y lucho por mi territorio hasta mi último día
Yo soy el Guia, Porque yo tengo la vía
En mi vida, yo tengo solo un poco de alegría
Ese es cuando yo hago música
Yo doy mi talento a la pública
Y, yo gusto de toda la critica
Dirías que soy muy única

Mi nombre está creciendo como un árbol
Sure, I could give it to you as a whole
But that'd make a fucker with big toll
So, teenage, the guy who's null
Prodigy, yet he's never seemed dull
Prodigio, el es fuerte como el marmol
Juvinil, el no es lento como un caracol
Don't get it? That's a load of bull
And if so, fit it into your thick ass skull

I'm sorry, all good things come to an end
But, listen to me, make my way a trend
Y, yo te dejaré en mi tren
Sé lo que quieres ser, y estoy bien
As long as my wordplay makes a mind bend
Because prodigy rap leaves you awaken
Soy grande y nadie grita quién

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