
I should have known
Borrowed time is never enough
Seeing you leaves me a mess
Doing my best to forget
Tinted glass to protect your eyes
Doing everything to keep me out

Some nights you come back to me
To haunt me in my sleep

But it's not just nights, sometimes days
Reminding me in every way
That time ran out long before
Long before you went away

Fading into walls
Fading in and out of my mind
Always present
Piercing eyes glaring back
Then, with a blink, you're gone

Open ended questions are the worst
Leave me hanging, holding on

Doors don't open, windows painted shut
Locked in, I close my eyes
But you're still there, lying heavy on my chest
Stop thinking to remember to breathe

My skin tightens on my back and neck
Hairs on my arm stick up straight

I might watch the beams rot away
Before I hear a radio sound
Before I see more than this visual echo
Come on
Take up space
In this silence
So wide and deep
You won't have control

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