Unsolicited Advice

Go calmly and in control through all the noise and the rat race of life
And remember that there's rest in silence
As far as possible, as hard as you can try, be on good terms with all people
Speak what you think is right, not boldly, but as a matter of fact

And listen to others, even to the misled and the hateful, the ignorant
There's a reason they're that way
If you'd been hurt like them, you might be that way too
Try to understand there are real reasons these people are broken

Avoid loud and aggressive persons
They might be fun, but they'll make you lose in life
If you compare yourself with other people, you may become too proud or depressed
wind up hating others or yourself

There's gonna always be greater or lesser people, but the same is true for them too
Enjoy your big things, the goals you've met, as well as the goals for which you're still trying
If you're working, take happiness in it, even if it's dumb
Your time there is important to the changing fortunes of time

Exercise caution in your business affairs, because the world's full of scams
But don't let this blind you from the good that there is
Many people shoot for high ideals, and heroes are everywhere in the projects, as well as Congress
Be yourself

It's important not to fake friendship
And please, don't be cynical about love, even if it's what hurts the most
It is as constant to people as the seasons changing, as the moon rising, or the sun sets
Love is there for the first and last

Let life be a cruel teacher
Do what hurts, if it helps you more
And gracefully surrender the things of youth without resentment
Be strong in your spirit to shield you in such times

But don't make it seem worse than it is
Realize everything's going to pass on, good or bad, comes around over and over
Try to rest, and go out of your way to make friends, because many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness
It's okay to be strict with your calendar and appointments, but be gentle with yourself

You're a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars
You have a right to be here
Even you, you have a right to be here
And whether or not it's clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive it to be
And whatever your labors and aspirations and the noisy confusion of life

Keep peace in your soul, with all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams

It's still a beautiful world
Be cheerful
Strive to be happy

Writer(s): Bryan Bridges
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
