He was just on his nightly shift
Walking around the cemetery
Recalling all of the twisted shit
He had said to his secretary
As he was passing the marble tombstones
Neatly arranged in a line
An ice cold wind hit his shoulder
And he saw something in the corner of his eye
There was a face peeking out of the bushes
The side of him nobody knows
He kept looking at it for some minutes
Cause he was petrified of what it showed
But the longer he kept on looking
The closer the wicked face came
'Till he bit him and swallowed him fully
Until the beast he became
But then he came to his senses, turned calm
And he was glad - he's awake
He could feel the sheet fabric on his arm
And the cold ground beneath his leg
And as he turned around to check the time
By measuring the sand
A cruel sight came before his eyes
He had bitten off his hands
Let's play an alternate reality game
Though you play it you will never be safe
So be afraid
Mirror, mirror on the wall will say
Life is never as it seems
So I will meet you in your dreams
The hallway he resided in
Was growing small as he was growing pale
Trying to forget his sins
The paintings on the walls to no avail
He had covered with bloody curtains
To hide the shameful eyes
Glancing over at the bourbon -
The cause of his demise
But then midnight struck the apartment
And the lights went out with a bang
As he found himself in a compartment
Along with a moldy looking bag
He didn't want to come to the shocking conclusion
Of what it was to his side
'Till the bag fell over and spilled open
And the corpses came alive
He pleaded them for forgiveness
Cause it wasn't him, he said
And thought how this all could have happened
If he made sure that the witness was dead
But they thrusted their reeking claws in his face
And he tried to turn around
But then realized there was no escape -
He was six feet under ground
Let's play an alternate reality game
Though you play it you will never be safe
So be afraid
Mirror, mirror on the wall will say
Life is never as it seems
So I will meet you in your dreams
Alternate Reality Game
Though you play it you will never be safe
So be afraid
Mirror, mirror on the wall will say
Life is never as it seems
So I will meet you in your dreams

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