Scene 15: And Away We Go...

Well, kid, here we are. It's a nice night

Yeah. I guess this is it
You know, I've been thinking, Uncle Max
If the spell works, then it will be like you never found the book, right
I mean, everything will change

I honestly have no idea, but I do know this
There's no shortcut to grief
You have to face it sooner or later, and maybe without the book you can do that

Yeah. And maybe you can help me next time
I'm sorry I didn't let you in
Maybe the future me, uh, past me, will do better
You know, next time, last time
Jesus, this is confusing

Only one way to find out
Here, hold the book with me
So how do we do this

First off, some random flips, like so

No whammy! No whammy! Stop

These symbols look sufficiently squiggly, don't you think

Uh, sure. Yeah, perfect

Okay, so next we need a flame to turn the symbols into words
Oh, you gotta be kidding me. I didn't bring a lighter
Please tell me you have one

I quit smoking years ago

Are you bullshitting me

You're the pothead now, right

Jesus, is it that obvious

I mean, that new stuff really smells It's a small apartment

Just to be clear, in no alternate timeline or parallel universe can you tell my mom I smoke
She would lose her

Shh! Did you hear that

I don't hear anything. Probably just a

No, listen. I swear
Ah! Giles

Not cool, dude. We had a deal, remember

Look, he's got something. No way Looks like

My lighter! He's looking out for us
Okay, that's gotta be a sign, right
It's time
So now we make the wish
You have the wish in your heart

Yeah. A reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with some cameos from the original cast
I'm kidding
And yes, I'm wishing I never found a book of magic
With all my heart

Okay, me too
Now check this out

I'll be damned

Um, phrasing

This is unbelievable. I see words. You see this too, right

Yeah, I see it. You take the first line and then we alternate, okay

Sounds like a plan



I love you, Uncle Max

I love you too, Lex
And away we go

Nuni, nuni, nu
To make their shared wish true

Strike and hold the flame to return it whence it came

May it sleep for ages and erase these cursed pages

The bones are in the ground. This book was never found

Writer(s): Kent Stowe
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