reformative pen.

Changes coming through a winter of blizzards
I keep fighting myself
Conversations with my father, my vices hell
Tryna get good karma
But my mommas health causing problems my sister prolly felt
Used to beg for dollars now the commas I fought for coming well
And the pot boiling 'til the tower fell
Chained by the knees I felt the weld
Iron in my tears, know my power swell
And it's sugar in them cornflakes
The future dead 'til the home break
Almost drowned in my own lake
And I'm always fighting 'til my bones ache
All ways trapped in a time-frame
I've been against fate
Pinned and can't escape
Felt the strain in my chest when I got stomped in the trench
Stuck in it, deep with a needle in flesh
I keep winning, and my fleece never left
I'm blessed, to keep seeping in my gift
Chuck a doobie in the wind, know my promise is kept
Secrets stay inside, no fire to come collect
Hold ya nose, I can feel the scent
Dead past always filling in my stench
I'm tired of disrespect
My name written with the same pen that the fore fathers was with
The son of myself you bitches can't get a hit
Still, I'll give y'all a pass when I'm filled with ignorance
Ask Thiago how I make it click
The Heart-Soul filled with love but test me and I'll get a grip
Put it to ya mouth, and give all y'all bitches a lick

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