Banyan Tree

Once upon a century
Great Grammie plants a banyan tree
Its branches then were tall as you and me

Birds above and roots below
We gave it love and watched it grow
And there it stood till 2023

Oh the canopy of shade
The grasses where we played
The mynas on parade

Oh their song would fill the air
In awe we'd stop and stare
And find sanctuary in, the, rain

The winds came rushing down the ridge
Rattled fences, bent the bridge
Shook the shingles, ripped them from the roof

Bending, breaking, crashing down
Branches fell and cracked the ground
Myna birds evicted from their roosts

Oh, the splinters in our eyes
Unready for goodbyes
Now open are the skies

Oh, the empty corner calls
The gentle giant falls
The silence and the sighs

Yesterday a tree
Now it's just debris
They're hauling her away

Oh it's natural to cling
Feels inadequate to sing
Nothing we could do would make her stay

Blinking tears, mourn we must
Shrinking fears, stardust to dust
The substance shifts but nothing ever leaves

Watching her we learned to grow
Her body's gone but still we know
Her mana and our future is a seed

Oh, the forest or the trees
The chorus of the leaves
They breathe within our speech

The mynahs haven't lost their voice
Our view is still a choice
We can reconnect if we just reach

Writer(s): Benjamin Stuart Fairfield
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