
From the day I was born I was infected
Now its on my mind but that's expected
Cos there's no way for me to be protected
Somehow it's been neglected nevertheless
I know it's coming, but when it hits me it will be so unexpected
God had to curse me to be subjected to the
Tortures that would be connected eventually
When I get there I wonder how I'll fair
Will I just give up and cry and die peacefully
Or will I put up a fight to survive like an ice cold Lilly
Sitting outside in the winter freezing
The petals fall the sights not pleasing
Breathing turns to wheezing when your
Roots fall out and the kids start teasing
You're so weak, you could once play with the kids
Now you can't even speak
It's not funny when you can't take a leak
You're a grown man with a child's physique
You can't imagine that much pain
Just knowing it's coming creeping up behind me
I want rip out my veins rope them round my neck
And tie this noose to the end of a train
Take me now and release me from these chains
I can't take the strain
So instead of sitting around waiting
I'm gonna do something about this pain
It's not like I'm helping myself that much either
Cos when I'm at home, sitting on the phone
I'm fully aware that radiation is spreading to the top of the dome
I can feel that fever
And every time I've said I'm not a believer
Now I get a headache every time I see a satellite receiver
I wanna dissect my brain with a cleaver
Take out the pain but leave a musical brain I'm the highest achiever
There's only one thing I know that could defeat me
That's this pain I feel as I flow
Cos I know someday this disease is bound to beat me
Unless by chance some wiz kid comes along to treat me
So for now please, leave me be
I've made up my mind I'm facing my fate
On top of a building like the Empire State
Roaming around screaming (fucks sake)
I can't take this strain I'm giving up lord
Soak up my veins it's spreading quick
This paranoia will forever remain
Among my remains I'm coughing up sick
Here comes the blood it's chocking me up
My throats closing up but I don't give a fuck
I drop to my knees and what do I see?
Look over the edge at the firey debris
It's the lions den the devils play pen
What I'm seeing right now you could not apprehend
We all tend to live a lie once or twice
But down there's a place you cannot pretend
I see big dogs biting, bad boys fighting
Sparks ain't dark they glow like lightning
Blood smeared across the faces of vikings
When they taste their swords their sweet like icing
I might have been, scared at first
But I know it's been my fate since birth
So I take a deep breath and fall from disgrace
To the next place after this hell on earth
My mind is gone, my soul is free
The breeze down here's just right for me
The skies close up and now I can see
This underworld was my destiny

Writer(s): Martin Schober, Max Sweiry
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