clean air

I'm selling clean air in a world where's nothing left
Cause we monetized the waters and the earth from east to west
Come and buy my clean air if you wanna take a breath
Cause the air is full of chemicals that cause a sudden death

Once upon a time we all had richness in our lives
Strolling through the ancient forests careless about time
Wading through the riverbanks before they all ran dry
All ran dry, all ran dry, all ran dry

Once upon a time the soil was fertile and alive
People grew there food without the need of pesticides
A million different species every one about to thrive
Sacred life, sacred life, sacred life

Then we created scarcity of money, space and time
We abandoned our communities and made gifting a crime
We faded into loneliness and harvested despair
The wars began, i sold my soul and forgot why i'm here

Now I'm selling clean air in a world that is mess
Since we've monetized the love, the life, the truth and happiness
I'm selling clean air and i'm not too shy to confess
That i'm a slave to the money game
It's me against the rest

Once upon a time we felt a fullness in our lives
Every moment precious every day was full of light
Families were big and the children played outside
What a life, what a life, what a life

But we stripped away the silence and the darkness of the night
Now we're living in concrete blocks got used to neon lights
We clear-cut the rainforests and industrialised all life
Now we buy safety, pay no cash but the price is way too high

I'm selling clea n air in a world where's nothing left
Cause we monetized the waters and the earth from east to west
Come and buy my clean air if you wanna take a breath
Cause the air is full of chemicals that cause a sudden death

I'm selling clean air in a world that is mess
Since we've monetized the love, the life, the truth and happiness
I'm selling clean air and i'm not too shy to confess
That we're all slave to the money game
Let's put it to rest

Writer(s): Bruno Kang
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