Light Up

YouNG Price BloWiN oN daNK
LooK aT me iM eVeryThiNG you AiNT
BlaNK check, BlaNK check, BlaNK check
NxGGa ThroW a millioN iN The BaNK
STill on muTe WheN 12 come
RiGhT aT The door When ya mail come
GeTTiN The GreeN liKe Kale huh
Ya GoT ThaT daNK TheN $ell some
Ya TalK$ To The NxGGa ThaT'll coP
ThaT DoNT TalK To coP$
BuT'll Pull uP aT The $PoT
B.G., Turk yeah
I alWay$ KePT iT hoT
RidiN iNNa Por$che While ya ByTch GeTTiN DodGed
All day, all day NxGGa Thi$ The riTual
If u AiNT PuT iN WhaTchu TryNa hiT iT for
They $ay Well They KiNda hard To GeT
I'mma GeTiT Tho
$ay The ByTch PlayiN hard To GeT
I'mma hiTiT Tho ((damN))
I'm The Be$T & iM KNoWiN iT
WiNdoW$ uP While iM BloWiN iT
U had yo $hoT NoW u BloWiN iT
ThreW Them huNNid$ NoW $he ThroWiN iT
MaKe The moNey yeah iT$ maNdaTory
I aiNT a$K for iT
God PlaNNed iT for me
U caN haNd me GreaTNe$$
U caN haNd me Glory
YouNG Price maKe $ure They uNder$TaNd The $Tory

((Whoa)) LiGhT uP
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP ((yeah))
BouNce Whoa liGhT uP ((yeah))
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP ((yeah))
BouNce BouNce liGhT uP ((yeah))
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP ((yeah))
BouNce BouNce liGhT uP
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP

GoTTa LeTeM KNoW rule$ 1-4
Weed Ho
DamN u $LoW
Told yo azz B4
DonT ThinK
I'mma Tell yo azz No Mo
Even iF iHaVe 2
I'mma Turn U iNTo a Pro
Turn U iNTo a Hoe
Turn U iNTo a FloW
Turn U iNTo a Go-Go
Go Go Go Go Go
Go 'N GeTiT
Let's PuT our WerK 2GeTher
AfTer We GeTiT
We can $PliT iT
I AiNT No lie iVe helPed
IT$ iN my NaTure
2 helP oTher$
E$Pecially my oWn KiNd
Cau$e my aNce$Tor$ $Till doiN MF Time
Ju$T Becau$e U haVe
More or Less melaNiN
Doe$NT meaN U BeTTer ThaN
Ur MF NeXT of KiN
AcT uP ByTch
Bu$$ U iN The ChiN
$NaTch uP all yo MF WiNNiN$
BuT u call WhaT iDo
A MF $iN, Ha‼️‼️

LiGhT uP ((ooh))
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP ((yeah))
BouNce Whoa liGhT uP ((yeah))
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP ((yeah))
BouNce BouNce liGhT uP ((yeah))
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP
BouNce BouNce liGhT uP
Lemme GoNe $iT riGhT uP

Back To Back To Back $huffliN' Thru huNNid$
& ThaT AiNT eVeN me $TuNTiN'
You GiVe her ProBlem$ eVery $ummer
& I just GiVe her WhaT $he WaNTed
I come WiTh ThaT reciPe
The$e oTher NxGGaz re$T iN Peace
AiNT GeTTiN' No re$PecT from me
ON iN$TaGram They check for me
They AiNT TalKiN' BouTa check
They AiNT TalKiN' BouT NuThiN'
ThroWiN' heaT eVery $ummer
I AiNT NeVer BeeN BluffiN'
I AiNT NeVer BeeN froNTiN'
LeT me PuT u oN $omeThiN'
I doNT me$$ WiT her
If $he aiNT a GroWN WomaN
$lim Thick ToNed $Tomach
Girl u caNT come WiTiT
BeTTer ruN from iT
ThaT$ WhaT iM $ayiN Thi$ year
BeTTer KNoW iM NoT PlayiN Thi$ year
LeTem KNoW ThaT They caNT iNTerfere
If They Try iMMa eNd They career
No maTTer if iM ouT of iT yeah
U NxGGaz $TuPid if u douBTed iT
Cau$e NoW my Wheel$ $PiNNiN liKe Paul Wall
Cau$e iM uP ouT Thi$ ByTch yeah

Writer(s): Anthony Sorensen, Julian Brown, Daniel Beekye, Larry Jacks Jr
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