Body and Blood (feat. MarySarah Menkhaus) [Live]

Sing, my tongue, my Savior's glory
Of Your Flesh, the mystery sing
Of Your Blood, all price exceeding
Shed by You, Immortal King
Destined, for the world's redemption
From a noble Womb to spring
Of a pure and spotless Virgin
Born for us on earth below
You, as Man, with man conversing
Stayed, the seeds of truth to sow
Then You closed in solemn order
Wondrously Your Life to show

Body and blood, soul and divinity
Bread of the angels, taste of eternity
Source of all strength, Summit of faith
Your Love on display, we behold the mystery

On the night of that Last Supper
Seated with Your chosen friends
You, the Paschal Victim eating
First fulfill the Law's command
Then as Food to all Your brethren
Give Yourself with Your own Hand
Word-made-Flesh, the bread of nature
By Your Word to Flesh You turn
Wine into Your Blood You change
Though our sense, no change discerns
In surrender we are strengthened
Give us faith to trust You Lord

Body and blood, soul and divinity
Bread of the angels, taste of eternity
Source of all strength, Summit of faith
Your Love on display, we behold
Body and blood, soul and divinity
Bread of the angels, taste of eternity
Source of all strength, Summit of faith
Your Love on display, we behold the mystery

We behold the mystery
We behold the mystery
We behold the mystery

Down in adoration falling
This great sacrament we hail
Over ancient forms departing
Newer rites of grace prevail
Faith for all defects supplying
When our feeble senses fail
To the Everlasting Father
And the Son who reigns on high
With the Spirit blessed proceeding
Forth from each eternally
Be salvation, honor, blessing
Might and endless majesty

Body and blood, soul and divinity
Bread of the angels, taste of eternity
Source of all strength, Summit of faith
Your Love on display, we behold
Body and blood, soul and divinity
Bread of the angels, taste of eternity
Source of all strength, Summit of faith
Your Love on display, we behold the mystery

We behold the mystery
We behold the mystery
We behold the mystery

Body and blood, soul and divinity
Bread of the angels, taste of eternity
Source of all strength, Summit of faith
Your Love on display, we behold the mystery

Writer(s): Joseph Schlueter, Thomas Aquinas, Aaron Richards
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