Confirmation Bias

The serpent watches from the tree and tries to catch your eye
But you've always been a sinner so you gladly walk on by
The horsemen are approaching you can taste their fetid breath
Bringing gifts of famine war pestilence and death

A washed up tv preacher building castles in the air
With one eye on the playground as he's peddling his wares
A Faustian arrangement entered oh so willingly
Like Johnson at the crossroads you can have a piece of me

You wash me from your body as you'd wash away your sins
The wheel of death goes round as my descent to hell begins
Your fig leaf fell so long ago it's turned into a tree
You cry to your imagined god have you foresaken me?


On the fields of Armageddon you can hear the battle cries
A tarnished angel falls to earth as another demon dies
The third and final war comes close like some holy mission
Praise the lord for what we'll receive and pass the ammunition

Behind every massive fortune there's an even bigger crime
Don't stumble on that stairway be careful as you climb
Wash my feet and fuck off back to the squalor whence you came
But leave your gold and riches and then play the waiting game


Lock your cell door once again and throw away the key
May your god go with you maybe one day you'll be free
Prayers ignored and lives destroyed you use it as a crutch
But if it brings you comfort who am I to judge?

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