
Friends come and go
And you will always be alone
Sooner or later the time comes
That you don't know what to do
And you relapse again

If you are my enemy
I don't want you to go through this
Many think that it is just a way
That people feel sorry for you
But in reality I'm not the one who controls it

Take my hand
That we are nothing
Do not leave me alone
Hug me very tight
Even if it's fake
To not feel alone
Tell everyone that I am yours
Although in reality we are nothing
Maybe it shows happiness
But inside I die in wounds
You always say breathe
But that doesn't work anymore

Take my hand
That we are nothing
Do not leave me alone
Hug me very tight
Even if it's fake
To not feel alone
Tell everyone that I am yours
Although in reality we are nothing
Maybe it shows happiness
But inside I die in wounds
You always say breathe
But that doesn't work anymore

Take my hand
That we are nothing
Do not leave me alone
Hug me very tight
Even if it's fake
To not feel alone
Tell everyone that I am yours
Although in reality we are nothing
Maybe it shows happiness
But inside I die in wounds
You always say breathe
But that doesn't work anymore

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