There Is a Way

There's a way

The Darkness that is seen before the path does not certify a walk into oblivion
Rather a path that leads to an experience enriching the heart mind and spirit
Man's very own soul is his most precious commodity

An in-duplicable gift from the high heavens
Imparted with a light of truth
That not even all the powers of hell could consume

The gasping of his heart brings an answering from on high
One that showers his person with wondrous favor in mercy and restoration
The likes of which reach his most dreary caverns

Confusion strikes the ideas of a poorly rooted mind
Despair enters the chambers of a heart with no gates
Emotions spring from the depths of your soul from the aching of the heart
So one must Establish the gates that guard with wisdom and locking them with understanding

The way to seek is to love in all you do
That it may billow out of your being as a rushing river of water
Delving deep into the learning of all one's ways
He discovers the farthest and deepest understanding of one's movements

There is always a way and it's forward moving
with the patience and persistence of the seasons of earth
Allowing the releasing of possessions, and relationships as the leaves of a tree does
So When Making room on its branches new fruit is enjoyed
In this process he receives the provision of steadfastness
So that events and new experiences may take place

The way is in the perpetual expression of gifts and abilities
With no mind given to surrender
For one will be burdened with the regret of departure from the harbor of their hopes
Stand in the mundane with high belief that you are more than able

For your internal frame is made with the finest of elements
Filled with might that not even the seas may rival
Your ideas your will are the builders and reinforcers
Of such a fortress Fierce in offenses and impenetrable to iniquity

Writer(s): Matthew Boagni
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