Clean Morals

(Hello there
I'm - I'm the little sister of Poppy
This is my sist - my big sister Poppy
She's just very boring right now
Because she's just playing on her thingy
I mean it's not boring
Anyway, um
I want to tell you something about me
And this is me

Pink overalls
I never used to be afraid
To fall

My tiny fingers wrapped within a single hand
It kept me warm

Courtesy is learned
I used to scream when I was hurt
I didn't dress for anyone
Or suppress myself at all
When I was young

(Put that finger up
And then put your thumb up
That's it
And put it against your head
That's it
Daddy, take a picture of her)

I was my mother's daughter
To my parents' delight

I found the back of eyelids scenic
I didn't cry much through the night

I don't remember what I used to dream
But I assume that it was something nice

I read that we don't dream until we're two
How mundane just to sleep
The whole night through

There was no one I had to be
Just lay there and look sweet
And be my parents' pride and joy
Sleep while everyone enjoys
The beauty of a brand new life
One day she'll make the perfect wife
Oh, what I wouldn't do
For a fresh slate
And clean morals too

(Do this
Ida please it's going to be fun
We can roll together

I had so little to want
When I was kissed
And wrapped in cloth

My mother singing in my ear
(Close your eyes and go to sleep)
You know she wrote those songs for me

And my whole head
Could fit into a palm
The sky was so big
And so dark

But every star was a promise made
A relative that I would join
One day

There was no one I had to be
Just lay there and look sweet
And be my parents' pride and joy
Sleep while everyone enjoys
The beauty of a brand new life
One day she'll make the perfect wife
Oh, what I wouldn't do
For a fresh slate
And clean morals too

Oh, I swear
That if I did it all again
I'd make my parents proud
I'd take the words right out their mouths

Know I shouldn't care
About the superficial things
Know when I'm eighty
I won't regret my size at seventeen

I just want to be

I want to leave a legacy
Behind me
Don't just want to leave
A gust of air
In my wake
And I want everyone to mourn me
Say they loved me
And that nothing will ever be
The same

Writer(s): Ida Charlotte Maisey
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