The Forgotten Dance

Good evening, Love,
and welcome to The Garden.
Leave your coat and shoes
by the gate.

See me turning,
treading this ground,
imperfect by design.

This mask has done its time.
Here it will be,
perfect perchance.

Remember me
with no pretence, and see
me as I dance.


By the look of things
this room once hosted a party for
too many guests.

Come in closer.
Know this ghost before you, now,
I will teach you how.

Bow to the rain
for it banished our Caines.
Breathe the absurd.

Remember me.
I'm no jester -
immortalise these words.

Sing my name.
Know who I am.
Now I reclaim
the dance I once began.

Writer(s): Emma Elizabeth Curry
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