Try Again

Try again
You did well
And I'm sad that I'm the one to tell
You were there
Almost there
You did your very best my friend

Now try again
Don't give in
'Cause we lose many times before we win
Don't resign
You'll be fine
And when you fall onto your feet
In the end you'll succeed
After all though you fail
You will make your way
So don't give up and then
You try again

Try again
Don't despair
Someone who wins the lottery is rare
Play your part
Hit the mark
And if you find a dead end then

You try again
Don't give in
'Cause we lose many times before we win
Don't resign
You'll be fine
And if you aim for the stars
And you don't get that far
It's no shame to stand up back again
And you start one more time
And then
You try again, again, again

Writer(s): Björn Bergmann, Simon Anke
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