Fight (Rise Up)

Fight, (Rise Up) by Kurtis Devore
I want you to fight
I want you to fight as if the breath you just took is your last
I want you to fight because every day of your life has led up to this moment

I want you to fight not for you
not for me
but for everybody who has ever felt like giving up
Every kid on every school playground that has ever been made fun of for their individual way of thinking

Every single mom who took an extra shift to buy her kid shoes or to pay for her children to play sports
Every grandparent who raised their children and then their grandchildren
Every trucker who drives a road to pay for the house that they hardly see
They're all counting on you to fight

Now please understand I'm not asking you to start a fight
That would be pointless and redundant
No, my friend, I don't want you to start a fight
But I do want you to finish one

From the day that you was born, you had to fight for everything
The breath that you took, the life you led, you fought
And at times it may have seemed like quitting was the easiest path to take
But we both know that's not the truth, don't we

Take it from someone who has quit just about everything that they have ever started
Quitting always seems the easy answer until you quit
Then you wonder why
Why did you quit

Why did you even start in the first place
Why didn't you take that fighter spirit that has been lying dormant deep inside you and rise up
Not just take steps forward, but leaps and bounds
Maybe the answer is simple

Maybe you don't want to
Maybe you feel as if you have nothing to fight for
Maybe giving up is all that you know
Perhaps no one ever showed you how to stand up for yourself, how to fight

Maybe you got tired of hearing those who claim to love you tell you that you have never been any good
Now here's the thing about those type of people
They're sad and miserable in their own lives, so they drag others down to their level just to make themselves feel better about the sad existence that they call life
To those people, I think you should just ignore them

Wish them well, because I know you
Today is the day that you will rise up
Today is the day that I know you will wake up that sleeping giant inside you
Today is the day that I know you will dust yourself off, wipe the blood from your mouth, smile, and clench your fists and slowly, deliberately walk towards the obstacle in your way

And for every moment you have of quitting inside you, every memory you have of people calling you nothing but a waste of space, everyone who ever called you a loser, they're all running through your brain trying to get you to do what you have always done, Quit.
Now they're all standing in front of you, taunting you, telling you that you don't have the heart to continue
That you are nothing but a loser and you should just lay down like you always do

I want you to listen to what they're saying
I want that to anger you
This time though, when you reach that boiling point with your anger, don't quit
Use that rage that you have awoken inside you to defeat those that have stood in front of you

Those that have tried to bring you down to their level
Those that wish to destroy that light inside of you
I want you to embrace the spirit and strength of David when he faced Goliath
He took five stones from the river, but it only took one to slay his giant

Now when you have slayed your giant, I want you to enjoy that film that's rushing through your body
You've earned it
But don't get complacent
The next obstacle will rise up

Remember, we need you strong
Because you are strong, we know this now to be true
We watched you rise up against the odds and not only did you not quit, but you kept moving forward
You showed not only us, but yourself and those that love you and respect you that you can and will stand toe to toe with any adversity that comes against you

Just remember, we are here for you
We the sons and daughters of oppression
We the orphans of war
We salute you and support you

We know that you are strong
You showed us your strength
When you need us, when it feels like you can't take another step forward, we will pick you up and carry you until your resolve comes back
We support you for what you are, not for what they say you once was

We know who and what you are
You're a fighter
Perhaps the strongest we have
You was forged from the fires of self-doubt, depression, loss, and others putting their thumb on you telling you that you're not good enough

You came out of that fire stronger than when you walked in
And you showed me how to fight for what I want, for what I believe in
You've made me want to be a better person
You are my best friend

So, as you take my hand to allow me to help you rise up
I see that determined look on your face
I see the clenched fist
I feel pride swell up inside me, as I know that this fight is the fight of your life

And it's far from over

Writer(s): Kurtis Devore
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