Nevermore/Rock Bottom

It's ok to cry
Mama wasn't there to hold you
When your tears fell
When everything went dark

Daddy wasn't home
He was to busy at his dope house
Smoking that pack
You weren't even on his mind

But nevermore, it's ok to know your life is low
You're at rock bottom, it can't get worse than this
It's ok to cry, you were never special anyways
What's a few tears to lose, it can't get worse than this

It's ok to hate
Your friends never loved you anyways
They were all so fake
Consider it freedom from bullshit

Don't you ever love
Your heart has been broken so many times
I think it's best to live alone
I know you don't wanna get hurt again

But nevermore, it's ok to know your life is low
You're at rock bottom, it can't get worse than this
It's ok to cry, you were never special anyways
What's a few tears to lose, it can't get worse than this

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