It's Been So Long Since She's Smiled

Would it matter if I slept all day?
It wouldn't matter much at all
So I'm feeling kinda tired now
And I'll just sleep 'till i expire now
And it don't matter if my life is shit
Because I'm just gonna end up living it
I don't care if you do
I don't care if you don't
And you don't
So I won't
I don't care
What I really care about is what I missed out on
And I wonder if any of it was of importance
But I guess it wasn't
So I'll live another day
Just by sleeping it all away
She tries and tries and yet she fails
She tries again to no prevail
It seems that no one ever loved her
It seems that nobody loves her
She wants a man to take her hand
And look her in the eyes and tell her, "Yes you can!"
She wants it
But she won't get it for long
And she can't live without it
So she writes another song
She says
"Oh my god!
The horror
The poets demise!
The pain is ever aching,"
And she can't get into his eyes
And says
"Oh my god!"
First she picked up the drinking
Then it was chain smoking in the dark
Having sex every weekend
Just to cope with the problems she starts
Hasn't seen the sun in a while
Locked herself inside with no key
It's been so long since she's smiled
Since she tries to dodge responsibilities

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