Gematria Song

Yud is for 10
Chaf is for 20
Lamed for 30
Mem, 40 so funny!
Nun is for 50 & what can it be?
Samech is 60, the numbers you see

Ayin for 70
Pay is for 80

Tzadik is 90
And Kuf is 100
Reish, 200
Shin, 300, too
Taf is 400 and now we're all through
Yud is for 10
Chaf is for 20
Lamed for 30
Mem, 40 so funny!
Nun is for 50 & what can it be?
Samech is 60, the numbers you see

Ayin for 70
Pay is for 80

Tzadik is 90
And Kuf is 100
Reish, 200
Shin, 300, too
Taf is 400 and now we're all through

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