You're My Best Friend

Now I can't find the words to this song on my phone anywhere
But I swear I had them here
I swear I put them right here

Cause they were
Sweet they were and pretty and lovely
And oh babe
You just would have been so impressed by me

Oh wait
Here they are
Here we go

She's so entertained by me
Sometimes I'll just sit there talking
And she's wearing this silly grin
As if I've lost my mind

When I'm talking
With my very best friend
My best friend in the whole wide world

Ya know

When we wonder into each others days
In the morning
It's like
Running into my
Best friend in the whole wide world
Cause she's my
Best friend in the whole wide world

Seems kinda ironic

But she is

My best friend in the whole wide world
In the whole wide world
In the whole wide world
She's my best friend

In the whole wide world
In the whole wide world

Ya know

She'll pretend she's listening to me
And then suddenly she'll laugh
And I'll be like
You were listening

That kind of thing makes me happy
Cause she's my very best friend
In the whole wide world
She looks after me

Cause she my best friend
In the whole wide world

When I see her in the evening
Sitting all alone on that sofa
I think to myself
What am I doing standing here wasting my time

I should go be with her
I need to go be with my
Very best friend
My very best friend
She's my very best friend in the whole wide world

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