Mother Culture

I feel the hand of my creator
It's tearing at my throat
These words of damnation
Seeping through his mouth like a wound
Infecting me whilst
I choke and grasp for breath
Now there's blood on his lips
And his eyes seek only death
His eyes seek death
His motivation is clear
Destruction of all we hold dear
To speak is to suffer his wrath
The father blindly marches to his death
The mother watches on with baited breath
A race to the grave for the most riches made
Exploit the lower class, with no resistance
Oh, blood of the father
Oh, grief of the mother
Oh, blood of the lying father
Oh, grief of the dying mother
You beat and cast aside your brood
Little did we we know, our apathy cemented us our doom
So when they come and tell you how we've left this earth
I'll know now this life finally has some worth
With all of my knowledge of life up until this point
How can I bring a child into this world
Given all that we've destroyed?
We've let her Culture rot
We've let Mother Culture rot
We've let her Culture rot
Til the soil, slowly salt the earth
Til the soil, slowly salt the earth

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