This Is Not an Exit

This is not an exit
It isn't an escape
It's a momentary lapse
In an unrelenting weight
That's hanging overhead
Then bearing down on me
Building pressure over time
Until it crushes me

This is not an excuse
I know it's far too late
I'm finally accepting
There's nothing I can say
The walls are closing in
I'm running out of space
When everything is gone
I'll be left with my mistakes

Can you hear it growing louder now?
Can't you see it's getting close?
Can you tell me it will be okay even though I know it won't?

I'm dreaming of a place
A place I couldn't find
Sheltered and removed
From the darkness of my mind
Where there is not a pain
That I can't overcome
And there is not a trace
Of all the things I've done

Can you hear it growing louder now?
Can't you see it's getting close?
Can you tell me it will be okay even though I know it won't?

Can you hear it growing louder now?
Can't you see it's taking hold?
Can you tell me it will be okay even though I know it won't?

I can try to run, try to hide, try to look away
I can close my eyes, and fantasize, you're still here with me
I can tell myself it's all a lie it's gonna be okay
But no matter what this problem still remains

There is not an exit
There isn't an escape
From the person I've become
From the choices that I've made

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