Nothing New

Spinning circles on your bar stool
Speak in tongues until you start to drool

Looking good in your Ray Bans
You know employees must wash hands

Take a long walk on a short pier
Lay under a car and put it in gear

You're nothing new You're nothing new
Without further ado Make your debut

Drive around the bend of your mind
A symphony of blowing wind chimes

Flying saucers and bloodshot eyeballs
On the front page in your overalls

You're nothing new You're nothing new
Cannot compute What's 2 and 2

Just like the flu You flow right through
You're nothing new You're nothing new

Load the chamber and turn out the lights
Spin the wheel til you get it right

You're nothing new You're nothing new
Like Mister MaGoo Gum on your shoe

Got a room with a view Down at the zoo
You're nothing new You're nothing new

You're nothing new You're so confused
You're nothing new You got no clue
You're nothing new Been sniffing glue
You're nothing new On your fake tattoo
You're nothing new

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