Almost Invisible

Every dream
You've ever had disappeared
From your eyes

Then they've walked you through
The guidelines you used to ignore

Almost invisible

You go through the mail
And swipe through the news
As you sink into your seat

No warning
A car crashes into the bus
A man dies

Almost invisible

Change ways and they will push you right into the swamp
Fading into someone you know you are not

You've seen the future
Now wishing that you never had

You pick up the phone
But nobody's there, you resign
At last

Almost invisible

Change ways and they will push you right into the swamp
Fading into someone you know you are not

Change ways and they will push you right into the swamp
They will push you right into the swamp
They will push you right into the swamp
They will push you right into the swamp

Writer(s): Bram Vanparys
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