
I dont wanna let you down
I just want to make you proud
I dont wanna let it go
I just think that you should know
Everything will be alright
The thoughts will be in our sights
But Im not gonna let it go
I just want to let you know
Balloons are like our thoughts
Which we carry and cant let go
We hold on to them as long as we can
So we can let them show
They starve for attention
So we feed the mind
They cling like a harp
So we string them side to side
Its hard to grasp
But we find the silver linings
We hold onto the best of thoughts
Even during the worst of times
We have chances to quit
But thats not by design
We must find strength
So our life is not a sacrifice
I dont wanna let you down
I just want to make you proud
I dont wanna let it go
I just think that you should know
Everything will be alright
The thoughts will be in our sights
But Im not gonna let it go
I just want to let you know
Weve been dreaming
Now were scheming
Ready for the fight
But the battles in ourself
Where there is no finish line
As long as we are here
We have burdens proud to show
Remember where we come from
We will never let that go
We stay the course of life
So we hang on for the journey
Making paths for others to follow
We find what is worthy
The sacrifice and pain
Which we all have endured
Continues to inspire life
Which can never be ignored
I dont wanna let you down
I just want to make you proud
I dont wanna let it go
I just think that you should know
Everything will be alright
The thoughts will be in our sights
But Im not gonna let it go
I just want to let you know
Within our path in life
We are hit with inspiration
Surprising ourselves in time
Were found in situations
Frozen in time
Destiny not decided
Find the change within
Life is fluid and not defined yet
Share perspectives
Lean on others for advice
Let go of your fears
To unlock whats inside
Moments are intense when in them but
Fleeting when they pass
So ease in transition
Let go of the balloons we have at last

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