This Ode to You, Dear Mothers of Grace

In the realm where miracles are woven
A tapestry of love, forever unbroken
This ode to you, dear mothers of grace
Unveils emotions that words can't encase

The moment you knew, a mother's sweet bliss
As tiny feet fluttered, your heart in a twist
Counting within, little toes, a chorus of joy
Tears of awe flowing, no words can employ

Oh, the delight, vibrant life dancing within
As somersaults and kicks became a hymn
A symphony of life, a breathtaking sight
You felt the universe in each graceful flight

Through nourishing breasts, a bond did arise
A sacred connection, a love without guise
Your body, a vessel, a wellspring of grace
As your baby nestled, a smile on their face

And in this ode, we celebrate another part
The natural father, your love's counterpart
For in his support, your strength does grow
A pillar of love, that only he can bestow

Hand in hand, you wove a common affair
A natural family, a love beyond compare
His presence, a beacon, guiding you through
Together, you crafted a love pure and true

So let these words embrace you, dear mother
A tribute to your love like no other
May they bring tears of joy, a resounding cheer
For you, precious mothers, are truly held dear

And to the natural father, a hero by your side
The love and support, an unwavering guide
Together you nurture, in a love so grand
A natural family, as nature had planned

Writer(s): Erin Pippa James
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