The Seasons (of Love) - Wind & Wire Sessions

There is love enough for all of us
We will find it too I trust
One the day the world will have it be revealed
Unlike the thrilling rush of summer love
That surges in and then it's done
This love will be a love that lasts the years

Just as seasons come and pass
So too must love go through its dance
The wax and waning of romance
We all must live
Through the seasons of love

There are those who live in such despair
Trapped in love no longer shared
How awful it must be to live that way
For through the winter of a dying love
That shows no signs of letting up
Hearts grow cold and frost sets in their veins

Just as seasons come and pass
So too must love go through its dance
The wax and waning of romance
We all must live
Through the seasons of love

In autumn trees will shed their leaves
To reveal what truly lies beneath
Lovers too will find themselves exposed
When forced to look past surface love
Most woefully will give it up
But for a few it blooms anew like spring

Just as seasons come and pass
So too must love go through its dance
The wax and waning of romance
We all must live
We all must live
Through the seasons
Of love

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