Sunday Is Coming (Devotional)

The day Jesus died is considered by many
To be the darkest day in the history of the world
Even Jesus, in the moment He was arrested said
"This is the hour when darkness reigns."
So isn't it interesting that billions of people around the world
Now know this day as Good Friday
How can that be?
How can we call the day when a loving God
Was crushed by the ones He loved "good?"
In John 19:30, Jesus said "It is finished."
With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit
The last words of Jesus proclaimed that His mission was accomplished
All the weight and guilt of sin came head to head
With the spotless lamb of God
And in that moment, all sin, past, present and future
Finally was atoned for
Isaiah 53:5 says, "By His stripes we are healed."
His pain was our healing. His blood, our ransom
Our rescuer, at the cost of His own life
Had finally made a path of redemption for all who would believe
After the horror of the crucifixion had come to a holy hush
The story enters a long silence
Can you imagine the devastation and confusion
That His disciples were crushed by?
The Saturday following Good Friday
Has been called Holy Saturday by the church
For hundreds of years
The beauty of this day is that is very much represents
The current state in which we all find ourselves in
We are waiting, trusting, hoping that Sunday is coming
We live in what theologians call the "now and not yet"
On one hand, it is finished
And on the other hand
We are waiting for the full effect of the resurrection
Holy Saturday reminds us that it's only a matter of time
Take heart, Sunday is coming
There's a hinge point in this song where everything changes
It says, "The women came before the dawn
To find that stone already gone
When they looked inside the angels said
'Why are you look for the living among the dead?'
He's alive, He's alive. Hallelujah, He's alive."
In Jesus, no matter what we are facing, we can rest assured that
For those that follow Him, resurrection is always coming
You see, the resurrection is a historical event
But it is so much more than just that
Jesus says in John 11:25, "I am the resurrection and the life."
Resurrection is a person. Resurrection is Jesus
Where there is Jesus, there is always everlasting life
My prayer is that the good news that Sunday is coming
Would not be something reserved for just once a year on Easter
But something the permeates every fiber of your being
Every second of your day, every longing of your heart
Remember the promise that the spirit of God
Who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you
He is alive and so are we

Writer(s): Steven Furtick, Jonathan Smith, Phil Wickham, Adrian Disch
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