The Hope Of The Glory Of God

The verb was in the world
World that was made by Him
He came unto his own people
People then rejected Him

But as many as received Him
To them He gave the right to become children of God
To those who believe in His name

Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God

There is neither Jew nor Greek
There is neither bond nor free
There is neither male nor female
For they are all one in Jesus
For there is no distinction between the Jew and the Greek
For the same Lord is Lord of all
Bestowing his riches on all who call on him

Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God

The mystery which has been kept hidden
For ages and generations
But now hath it been manifested to his saints
To them God willed to make known what are
The riches of the glory of this mystery
Among the Gentiles
Among all people in the world which is

Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God
Christ in us, hope of the glory of God

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