Alright, now I'm just going to speak my heart on this
I will most likely run out of room and have to loop it
So, bear with me if the beat fades on me
But check this out

This isn't your typical way of saying "No White guilt"
That will strip you from your roots and everything the fam built
I know you're used to hearing it "I am not my ancestors"
But, I'm folk based, my DNA, in a way, I am my ancestors
Cause in a world of packs, individuality is suicide
And it's clear you're drunk off guilt, so for you I'll drive
You say you don't see color, but the color sees you
Making a twisted demonization of everything that we do
The fastest way to kill a tree is to strip it from its roots
And people work the same
Throughout the days we've seen the proof
To victimize Europeans, manipulate them to war
Up against a face that looks just like yours
You see, I grew up a patriot for the red white and blue
Now, I'm grown and a Patriot for the other countries we built too
Atrocities have been committed by everybody
Atrocities have been committed upon everybody
To call it out as wrong only when it is done by Whites
Is to have a mentality that is simply AntiWhite
When it comes to slavery we're not the ones who invented it
But, it is true we were the ones who ended it
Yes, It is still practiced, but nowhere in the West
And looking at the first documents can really start to test
The narrative we hear
When there's a book out there
That says "Blacks were born to be slaves"
Not of our origins, so dang
That's why I don't trust history and all I know is modern day
Which is the erasure of my nature, my home, my folk, every way
Cause in their sick minds it's justified to decease me
Over history that was fabricated completely
And in my lifetime I've seen the most gruesome abuse
Images I wish I could unsee and that is the truth
We defend ourselves and it's magnified
But it's been revised for another kind
Then suddenly they've earned it, your view is worthless, AntiWhite
That's what you want to be, so I get it though
Any excuse to ridicule
My evidence is plentiful
There's no bad race, we're beautiful
Loved Amerindian folk
Got along building the homes
We were heartbroken souls
When our government killed them so
We weren't vile, we let our kids play together
They lied a mile hoping we'd believe what they tell us
But, even if we believe the history told by AntiWhites
It's not an excuse to make the erasure of a people justified
So, believe what you want, but it doesn't change the fact
That you are trying to think of reasons
Why my people should be attacked
It's clear that they want to destroy Western Civilization
That's why they attack the very people who built these Western Nations
So, if you care about the Western country you live in, stand with mine
Cause there is no Western Civilization without our Westernkind
Would never wish this upon other races to see in their countries
So, why does the narrative change when it's European countries?
If your claim was true and we run everything
You wouldn't have these opinions or be able to speak on anything
Go to Japan and try
They'll give you the hand and that's why
They run their country as they should
We don't run ours, should wish we could
Europe's for Europeans, it's not a privilege when you built this
And away from the mainland, you cannot White guilt this
They long to erase it, so they so they claim that we didn't
When on our creations it's written, you can see our bioSpirit
Look at how Europe built the beautiful Castles we did
Look at Arabian architecture with their gorgeous arches
Look at the Oriental beauty in what's been built in the East
Africa, Mexico, All amazing and unique
Beautifully different people will create different things
And make it their home, I'm talking biospiritually
And we all deserve a home, comfortable and in peace
No one should wish upon anyone a biospiritual decrease
Now, give me a moment cause I gotta bring back the beat
So many reasons to have love for my people
If you're mad, I just ask why you're mad at love for my people?
I would never tell you to not have love for yours
Life is better when all culture can survive, that's for sure
But, to not have pride in yours is a very toxic view
You should not wish that upon me, and I do not wish it on you
Europeans in unity is the scariest thing for them it's true
Cause then we can't be destroyed when they try to subdue

This is a letter for the White man
I know you receive a lot
But, this one here that I'm writing
Like the others it is not
Open your eyes to a folklike mind
Go Free can help you out more
And the start of your healing is at
This is a letter for the White man
I know you receive a lot
But, this one here that I'm writing
Like the others it is not
Open your eyes to a folklike mind
Go Free can help you out more
And the start of your healing is at

I'm addressing this to all of Western mankind
So, this includes women I know for you things haven't been right
When did you stop feeling protected by your brothers?
Probably the same time society degrading housewives and mothers
We were told it was man over woman in a book we were given
Then, we were given the movement called feminism
Clearly both will cause conflict and make our hearts become hallow
So, what do we follow?
I just follow my nature
And upon the highest pedestal is where I want to place ya
But, feminism will knock that very pedestal down
Can't be the giver that I am if we are equals now
Nor, can I use my various strengths and combine them with yours
We were made to balance each other as lovers I am sure
And when we find our balance that's when we'll weather the storm
Plus, Different men for different roles
Different women fulfill all those
We need more West babies, yes, babies that are White
If you find that offensive, why are you against White life?
And nah, I have never been harsh towards mixed couples
But, if someone wants to preserve their race, then what's the trouble?
They want us dead
It makes sense to me why we want to live
Had to learn who I was and am and then it finally made sense
Why you should think tribally and want a tribe for your kids
White Women with White Men is the scariest thing for them, it's true
Cause then we can't be destroyed when they try to subdue

This is a letter for the White man
I know you receive a lot
But, this one here that I'm writing
Like the others it is not
Open your eyes to a folklike mind
Go Free can help you out more
And The start of your healing is at
This is a letter for the White man
I know you receive a lot
But, this one here that I'm writing
Like the others it is not
Open your eyes to a folklike mind
Go Free can help you out more
And the start of your healing is at

Thank you all for listening
I'll probably put this as the last song on the album
Cause I feel like I just let it all out
But listen, if you have noticed the victimization of Westernkind
AKA White people
And our creations
Then consider buying the Book Go Free by Jason Köhne
Consider checking out No White Guilt on YouTube
It doesn't matter what race you are
If you'd like to be a part of a Movement
That is focused on the love of our people and not hate for others
A movement that stands for the preservation of all people
Because the West is under attack, so we must stand with Westernkind
In order for all people to be protected
No White Guilt on YouTube
My name is RC The Realist if you want to look me up on social media
And I can introduce you to best people you'll ever meet
Your religion doesn't matter either
We all deserve our healing
Atheists deserve healing
Christians deserve healing
Muslims deserve healing
Buddhists deserve healing
European Native Spirituality Practicers deserve healing
It's all love over here
And when I personally think of Go Free
I think of Going Free from two things
I think of Going Free from White guilt
So we can learn who we truly are as Westman
And Going Free from playing the villain role
And thinking violence is the answer to fix this
Violence is not the answer
And we are a movement about love hope and redemption

Writer(s): Rc The Realist
Lyrics powered by
