Note to self

Dear self I think it's time to have a talk
About what lies ahead in your future
Don't worry about if it looks like times ran out on the clock
Because people believe that you can still succeed
In this lifetime and get past this difficult block
Of time you've had these past five years
A lot has happened that was just bad luck
And it was out of your control
Your grandpa knew you might have a period where you felt stuck
Like you were living each day on repeat
I know that this feels discouraging and sucks
So that's the reason he wrote me a note
Dear grandson a note from your grandfather
I wrote this note to you after my two strokes
I hope you can guess what I wrote in order
I realized at the time you were too young
To understand why I put the note inside a wooden horse
I hand crafted for you when you had trouble hearing
But I knew you were gifted enough
To put the pieces of my note together
Here's my note to you from an older me
I thank you for giving me a creative mind
To see the details needed in life to live worry free
I thought it was just a horse that you designed
For me to ride and now that I know the key
Which was never about trying to break open the horse to find
Out exactly what the note you wrote said to me
It was realizing the deeper meaning behind
Why this horse is so important and now I see
All of the reasons that you didn't have time to provide
For me before you died and I know you would have agreed
With me I know I was young but I value that you tried
Dear grandson a note from your grandfather
I wrote this note to you after my two strokes
I hope you can guess what I wrote in order
I realized at the time you were too young
To understand why I put the note inside a wooden horse
I hand crafted for you when you had trouble hearing
But I knew you were gifted enough
To put the pieces of my note together

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