The Awakening

Welcome to The Awakening

Earthlings heed our tenfold decree
Not as edicts from on high
But as lifeline strands
Woven into the fabric of your world

Disarm the divide you've created
Lay down the weapons of war
Not by treaty, but by the shared understanding
That your true foe is oblivion
Let factories of conflict birth cradles of creation
Forging tools to heal, not to harm

Breathe life back into your world
Plant a seed of love in every heart
Let forests rise from concrete
And oceans dance with cleansed waves
Every breath you give the planet
Is a breath for yourselves

Swimming in Dark Oceans
Swimming in Dark Oceans

Share the spark of Knowledge with each other
Knowledge is not a weapon
But a torch to light the path
Share your discoveries, your technologies
Your dreams across borders and oceans
Together, a thousand minds
Spark a thousand solutions

Heal the scars of your old ways
Mend the wounds you've inflicted
Not with apologies, but with action
Clean the rivers, purify the air
And let the symphony of life
Rise again from the ashes
Every healed scar
Strengthens your shield against oblivion

Bridge the gaps between your Selves Earthlings
Leave your tribes behind
Step onto the common ground of humanity
Where compassion is the currency
And empathy the language
Let bridges of understanding
Span the chasms of difference
For unity is the bridge across the abyss

Swimming in Dark Oceans
Welcome to The Awakening

Rethink the feast of life
Consume with conscience, not with greed
Let robots till the land, not for profit
But for nourishment
Share your bounty, not just with your kin
But with all who hunger
Remember, a full stomach breeds peace
Not just growth

Respect the rhythm of life
Nature is not a servant
But a partner in the symphony of life
Understand her cycles, her ebbs and flows
And move with them, not against them
Every harmonious step strengthens the dance towards survival

Listen to the young, your future generations
The whispers of children hold the echo of the future
Heed their cries for clean air, clear skies
And a world where laughter rings clear
Protect their innocence
For they are the seeds of the Oasis to come

Swimming in Dark Oceans
Swimming in Dark Oceans
Swimming in Dark Oceans

Embrace the unknown
Fear not the change that stirs in the wind
The innovations that crackle in the air
Let curiosity be your compass
Not tradition your anchor
Every bold step into the unknown
Brings you closer to the light

Live with purpose
Every sunrise is a gift
Every heartbeat a song
Let your actions be the chords
That compose a symphony of hope
A testament to the human spirit
That refuses to surrender
Remember, in every breath, in every act of kindness
In every shared dream
Lies the power to choose life over oblivion

These are not constraints, Earthlings
But stepping stones on the path to Eden
Take them, hold them close, and together
Let us build an Oasis in the Stars
A shining testament to your resilience
And Love for the world you share
Choose wisely, for the melody of survival
Awaits the harmony of your notes
Creating a symphony of Love for our world

Swimming in Dark Oceans
Swimming in Dark Oceans

Remember Earthlings
The Universe began in a single point of Light
That expanded into the Void
And from One we became many
We are All Born from Stardust
We're all Interconnected with each other
And with our Planet
We're all One

Swimming in Dark Oceans
We're all One
Swimming in Dark Oceans
Swimming in Dark Oceans
Swimming in Dark Oceans
Become Alive
We're all One
The melody of survival awaits the harmony of your notes
Creating a symphony of love for our world

Welcome to The Awakening

Writer(s): Malco, Omri Gluzman
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