Go the Fuck to Sleep (A Lullaby Song)

Shhh Go the fuck to sleep now

The moon's riding high in the velvety sky
The stars twinkle softly, it's time for goodbyes
We've read every book, we've sung every tune
Now, darling, please fucking sleep, it's way past noon

Go the fuck to sleep, my sweet little one
The night's drawing close, and the day is all done
The owls are all hooting, the night bugs they creep
It's time to lay down, child, go the fuck to sleep

Your teddy's curled up by the foot of your bed
The pillows are fluffed where you lay down your head
We've counted the sheep, and they've jumped all the fences
It's fucking time to find dreams on your journey of senses

Go the fuck to sleep, my dear little tot
The world's slowing down, and the pillows are soft
The wind whispers low through the trees that weep
Close those bright eyes now, go the fuck to sleep

I see those small eyes as they flutter and fight
Resisting the call of the sweet, peaceful night
But dreams are awaiting, they're gentle and deep
Just let them embrace you, go the fuck to sleep

Your room's calm and quiet, all noises are banned
We're turning the dial, counting the grains of the sand
We've done all the routines, not a peep should you make
Now drift into slumber, oh God please for fucks sake

Go the fuck to sleep, let the quietness seep
Through your little room where the dream fairies peep
The world has its silence, and into it you leap
Embrace the warm darkness, go the fuck to sleep

So hush now my baby, don't make a peep
Your parents are so fucking tired, we've promises to keep
To rock you and soothe you until you comply
Now sleep, little baby, please sleep or we'll die

Dear heaven, please please let my baby fucking sleep

Writer(s): Jeff Walker
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
