You know what Tony?
What's done is done
We are where we are, it's for the best
But just for the record, or it might even interest you to know
That I might actually have gone on
With your cheating and your bullshit
If your attitude around here had been even the least bit loving
Cooperative, interested
You don't know me at all
I know you better than anybody Tony
Which is probably why you hate me
Hate you?
Well don't worry, I'm "going to hell when I die"
Nice thing to say to a person heading into an MRI
I have always been sorry I said that
You were my guy, you were so sweet
Nobody could make me laugh like you
Carmela, who the fuck did you think I was when you married me, huh?
You knew the deal
Deal? You really don't hear me do you?
You think for me it's all about things
You are so fucking hateful
You asked me the other day
What Irina's cousin has that you don't have
And I thought about it, because it's a pretty good fuckin' question
And yeah, she's sexy enough, even with one pin gone, but that's not it
I could converse with her because she had something to say
I am here! I have things to say!
Besides "Bring the fuckin' chairs down"
And "Did you sign the living trust?"
She's a grown fuckin' woman who's been kicked around
And she's been on her own, and she's had to fight and struggle
Unlike me, is that it?
Who the fuck wanted it like this
Fiddle with the air conditioning
And fucking bitch, and complain, and fucking bitch, bitch, bitch
To me, to your priest
Fuck it

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