Finish Line !

My guitar-string marks
Are tattooed on my legs
Where it used to rest

I watch the stars
Wishing the Sun won't rise
When they go to bed

I know
The truth will come eventually
So why wouldn't I just wait?
I know
It happens perpetually
So I just sit and wait

Hold on, don't be scared now
You've got so little to go now
I can see the finish line!
Hold on, write a vow
To yourself and make them proud
One more leap til the finish line!!

It's the old nursery rhyme
The tortoise beats the hare
And slowly wins the race

But I don't quite compare
The more and more I try
My legs can't walk me right

I know
The truth will come eventually
So why wouldn't I just wait?
I know
It happens perpetually
So I just sit and wait

Hold on, don't be scared now
You've got so little to go now
I can see the finish line!
Hold on, write a vow
To yourself and make them proud
One more leap til the finish line!!

From breaking down
And even breaking my bones
They never realised
No they never even tried
From piercing screams
And even piercing me
I fell out of sight
But now I'm not so scared of heights

Hold on, don't be scared now
You've got so little to go now
I can see the finish line!
Hold on, write a vow
To yourself and make them proud
One more leap til the finish line!!
Finish line!
Oh I can see the finish line!

Writer(s): Elodie Burnett
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