A Coin for Charon

Sheer cliffs of grief books peer down
At me with uncracked spines
Offering unsolicited advice and journal prompts
None of which pertain to me
Strangers surround me
I actively ignore their offers of snake oil
Bloodletting to heal my pain
Tell me you wise, all knowing authors
Who among you will return my mother to me?
Raise your hand in front of the class
Come on
Don't be shy
Should you succeed
I'll devour your lessons
Perform Lazurus' miracle and I'll follow you
When my pain dissolves from
The written Oxycontin you prescribe me
I'll believe strangers on pedestals over
What the tightness in my chest tells me
She is gone
Nothing you write will cause her resurrection
None of the work you pedal will revive her
I am
Between volumes leering at me
I glare back at them with contempt
As I know in the depths of my being
Only surrender can heal me

Writer(s): Reese Cleo Zahner
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
