Years Passed

The years have passed
And if I could remember it all
It would be
So much

The days seem long
The weeks are far within months, that are
Far in between the years of my life

The images have lasted
Through many nightfall's
Dawn's have become
Thoughts of nostalgia

Living through the times of my life
I can say that every decade
I've been on profound journeys

The years have settled
In my mind
As I grasp the memories
Of my past

Sometimes minutes and seconds
Are so important
Essential for the memory to last a lifetime

I'll see you the same time tomorrow
Turns into a distant thought
What I've learned, I try to take note of
To help my future self

It's just part of the road to victory
When everything around you is crumbling away
It hasn't taken the one thing we all cherish most

It's all part of leaving a legacy
Against all odds
You would do the same for me
And I'm sure of that

I look at my distant memories
As epochs and eras
Of a person that I barely know now

We were running
Having the best of times
We were riding our bikes
All over the place

Stoping, running and jumping
We were experts at it
Pedaling fast, pushing the wind

Driving down
A familiar road
I see myself
As a young man

Driving down that same road
And making a left on the street where I lived on
And driving on and off into the distance

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