is this bed still available?

Is this bed still up for sale?
Is this for your child or somethin'?
No, this is for me
Sir, this is a children's bed
I'm sorry? What i do with this bed
Is none of your business
In that case i can't sell it to you I'm very sorry
No, please i really need that bed
Take a look on what i've been sleeping on!
Listen, this is all that i can afford
Adult size beds are too expensive for my liking
So? This isn't my problem
Go get a job that pays better i guess
Wow, you're very rude!
Ma'am i'm willing to do
Whatever it takes to get that bed!
I know your adress
You put it on the bed listing
My husband is a pro MMA fighter!!
Is your husband bulletproof?
I'm contacting police
You threaten to come to my house
Forcefully and abuse me and my family!
I did not!
I have the messages as my proof!
In that case i'm telling the police that
You didn't wanted me to sleep comfortably at night!
You're honestly just praying on my downfall
You're commiting a crime by trying to buy
And sleep on a child size bed when you are
A fully grown adult!
It ain't my fault i can't afford an adult size bed
Yes it is, make better life choices

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