Go Afraid

God I'm scared to take that next step because what if I stumble and fall
What if I'm moving forward toward something you didn't even call me to at all
What if I speak and they don't listen
What if I go and they reject me
But what if I don't fulfill my purpose, will you be pleased with me, will YOU still accept me
I don't know if I'm good enough, I don't know if I have what it takes for this
There are so many other people that you could send, why choose me
This territory is unfamiliar, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable, even a little insecure
My future is looking so obscure, what am I really doing here
These directions you gave me, don't seem so clear, I feel confused, I feel lost, Lord I need you to guide me
I feel like I'm following you blindly, I'm praying for your perfect timing, maybe this isn't the season,
Maybe that's just an excuse just a reason, to stay here and not go there, I know I said I would follow you Anywhere, But Lord give me courage, give me wisdom, give me strength
Lord give me vision, fill me up with your Spirit, increase my faith
Lord, let me, let you, use me However you see fit
I don't really doubt you, I just doubt myself, I feel like a counterfeit, but even when I feel inadequate
Remind me that your strength is made perfect in my weaknesses, I'm insufficient, but your sufficient
The world may have declined me, But you've approved me
What's impossible for man is possible for you, you can do anything you want through me
Exceedingly and abundantly, Above all I could ever ask or think
Let me decrease, while you in increase, Because this is not even about me, This has always been about your Glory, I'm just a small character in a greater story

I just want to play my part
I just want to get it right
I just want to represent you
I just want to be a light
But what if I'm scared to shine
What if it's comfortable to stay dim
To not draw too much attention
To stay hidden, But If I hide myself, how do I reveal you
If I'm created to be your representation, how are you revealed if I'm hidden,
Lord I've been commissioned, You keep saying go, but if I protect my ego, and stay still, what I'm saying is NO,
Father, help me be obedient, help me be like clay
Help me to not just be a hearer of the word but to do what you say, without delay,
God I'm scared to take that next step,because what if I stumble and fall, what if I'm moving forward toward Something you didn't even call me to at all what if I speak and they don't listen what if I go and they reject me
But what if I don't fulfill my purpose
Will you be pleased with me? Will YOU still accept me

Writer(s): Brianna Oyewo
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
