
The Gospel of Luke Rhymes
God made the virgin have a boy
Made John the fetus leap for joy

Let two old people hold the king
Let Jesus learn and Mary sing

Sent John out to the wild to stay
Sent Jesus to him, then said "Hey"

He used the Word to beat Deceit
Fulfilled the scroll and dodged the heat

Called average men to follow him
He healed the sick, forgave their sin

Christ healed on weekdays, weekends too
Prayed for the Twelve the whole night through

He told us to love those who hate
He said to give to those who take

He blessed the poor from on the mount
And said it's what's inside that counts

Blind see, deaf hear, dead rise, lame run
What man can't do, God does for fun

Told stories using debts and seeds
He is the light the whole world needs

When storms got rough he calmed the waves
The crazy, bleeding, dead he saves

The Twelve he sent to roads ahead
Then thousands ate his fish and bread

God showed the Twelve he was the One
Then made his face bright as the sun

You must be low to be the best
To follow Christ, forget the rest

God sent more out, who then returned
The unrepentant will be burned

Have compassion, don't just hurry
Learn and listen, don't just worry

Ask for the bread you need to live
Ask of God, he loves to give

Jesus blessed the righteous deed
Then condemned the leaders' greed

Speak up for Christ, that is your part
For what you value gets your heart

Work for the Father, not for pay
Act like he'll return today

To please the Lord, do as he bids
To honor God, just love his kids

Big change comes from small, like yeast
To come in first, first be the least

Be humble when you choose your seat
And share with poor folks when you eat

You must recognize the cost
To follow Christ and find the lost

At death, life cannot be redone
It's God or money, choose just one

Flee sin, grow faith for all your days
Heaven's your reward, not praise

Christ healed to teach us faith is dear
God's kingdom is already here

Our God can use bad men for good
If you don't know you're bad, you should

Trust God like little children do
For Christ did not just ride the pew

Your faith must be in God not wealth
A blind man's faith restored his health

Employ your gifts 'cause more he'll bring
Jesus entered town as King

He said the city'd be destroyed
At temple, crowds were overjoyed

He condemned the leaders acts
Give God your heart, the state its tax

Beware those who will not repent
Give like the widow, every cent

He foretold Tribulation's hurt
The Lord told Christians, "Stay alert"

Then sin in Judas cut a deal
Jesus served the Passover meal

He said to lead you first must serve
Told Peter that he'd lose his nerve

While Jesus prayed, disciples slept
Then from the darkness, Judas crept

With swords they fought for his release
But Jesus, he maintained the peace

Peter cried, felt like a traitor
Christ said he'd sit by the Creator

Then Pilate gave in to the horde
With criminals, they killed the Lord

The sun went dark, the curtain ripped
They laid his body in a crypt

But in the tomb he didn't stay
The stone was shortly rolled away

Inside instead two dazzling men
Told those with Mary Magdalene

"He has risen, like he said
Why look for Life among the dead?"

The Scripture Christ interpreted
Revealed himself by breaking bread

Then the disciples touched him, awed
He said they'd preach his life abroad

He blessed them, then went in the sky
Forever praise the Lord on high

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