Love Sophia

Daughter of Barbelo, a divine emanation
Sophia, Wisdom, the Fallen Creation
Who bore a son, without permission
Yaldabaoth, her twisted emission

A False God, claiming to be the only one
Sophia's son, the Black Iron Prison begun

Sophia, cast out from the Pleroma on high
Repenting her error, longing to rectify
Trapped in skin, yearning to ascend
We'll find redemption at world's end (end)

The Demiurge created without the divine spark
But Sophia bestows pneuma, light in the dark
Humans now carry her essence inside
Our path to Gnosis, no longer denied

Sophia, cast out from the Pleroma on high
Repenting her error, longing to rectify
Trapped in skin, yearning to ascend
We'll finally find redemption at world's end (end)

Through ages of suffering, ignorance and pain
Sophia's divine spark, a hidden flame
Gnostics seek the truth, to break the chains
To leave the prison of the False God's reign

Through ages of suffering, ignorance and pain
Sophia's divine spark, a hidden flame
Gnostics seek the truth, to break the chains
To leave the prison of the False God's reign

Sophia, cast out from the Pleroma on high
Repenting her error, longing to rectify
At the end of days, Sophia will be restored
Reunited with the Pleroma, forevermore
The Fallen One has been redeemed
Her Wisdom, once despised, is now esteemed

Sophia's spark, the Gnostic flame
Is the means to break our chains
To end the False God's reign
To leave the Black Iron Prison
And this world of pain
So trust in Sophia.
Trust in Sophia.
Become a lover of wisdom.
A lover of wisdom.
Love Sophia.
Love Sophia.
Love Sophia.

So trust in Sophia.
Trust in Sophia.
Become a lover of wisdom.
A lover of wisdom.
Love Sophia.
Love Sophia.
Love Sophia.

Writer(s): David Brown
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