Crossroads (lil Kumar)

Brown baby born in the 90s his momma smilin'
Dad wildin' tears in his eyes he started cryin'
Lil' Kumar brought into this world we call Earth now
He's gotta learn how life works gettin' his first words out
Fast forward boy's 15 he hated schoolin'
Mad tortured color of his skin got him bullied
Karrupu black dirty smelly
"Please get off me I ain't wanna be your friend"
"But I do" He whispered softly

17 with straight D's he hated exams
SPM was everything said his momma and daddy
Peer pressure made him feel precious but he was oh so lost
His real presence wasn't clear whether this path that he should cross
"Oh well time will tell" said Kumar off to Uni
"No parents to screw me"
Weed smoke he inhaled with his roomies
His parents spent all their money on Kumar out of love
But the devil got him first made him do all of the above like

20 now getting bigger Kumar getting ready now
Off to get some alcohol for the party he still steady now
Five crates of beer "Should I get the Jack or Henny now"
"But does it matter anyway we gon' get drunk anyhow"
Halfway through the party Kumar made love with a shawty
Some fermented party plus two extra bottles of Bacardi
Party's over Kumar sat with his six friends now
Weed Molly Percocets prognosis? Knockout

22 many new friends to feed his ego
Got into some gangs the violence made him feel real so
He started picking on juniors stealing all of they lunch money
"Hush thambi try calling the lectures yous boutta get punched dummy"
Blind to the signs of his future falling apart
Each time his parents call him it goes like
"Amma Appa could you please stop calling"
"I'm super busy studying these exams are really haunting"
"Cheri da Amma loves you so does your old man
"If you need anything don't you hesitate to ask"
"Actually ma could you transfer me around like 3K"
"Our lecturer Mr Andre does special classes on the weekdays after 6"
"So he kinda charges a little bit"
"I understand da don't you worry Appa always settle it"
"Thank you ma I love you I'll see you real soon"
"I promise to graduate and you'll be over the moon"

Surprise surprise 25 getting better with the lies
Drug dealing gang wars young villain in disguise
Flunked Uni stunt rubies drug money got him beauties
Puff doobies snub duties livin' Tarantino movies
"You the man now macha the king you makin' moves"
Said his friends as they dance like there's nothing left to lose
Oh hold up something just came up to their attention
"Our boys need our help"
The room sparking some tension

Scene's crazy guns popping blade clashing punch swapping
Watching his brothers die before his eyes was too shocking
"This the real deal Kumar what you waiting for man"
"Ain't you prepared for this shit? Get the gun let's go fam"
Police sirens surround the area
"Kumar there's no time"
"We got the enemy pop him"
"But I can't do this crime I can't kill I'm sorry"
"And he looks just like me"
"Then give me the gun" (NoNo)

Writer(s): Dharvindran Vasuthevan
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